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Wednesdays: Upbeat Downtime

Good Morning. Most people associate picnics with bugs, soggy plates, and sand that turns up in the lemonade. The usual fare is fried...

Omnia Vincit Veritas

Good Morning. When you move from one location to another you come across items you haven't seen for years or have never seen at all. A...

Note to Self

First, a note to you: I am publishing Friday's post today because I am moving in a few short hours and may be out of commission for a...

Wednesdays: Father Fare

Good morning. Do something nice for your father this weekend. Get him a fishing hat or a weed eater, and if you're nearby, cook him a...

The Call of the Wild

Good Morning. My father was an outdoor man who was happiest when he was camping in a place that had escaped the notice of Rand McNally....

The Essence of Time

Good Morning. The movie The Bucket List with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman got terrible reviews, but I have watched it three or four...

Wednesdays: Sunrise, Sunset

Good Morning. My blog experts tell me the Wednesday food stuff is too long so here is a (somewhat) shorter edition. We begin with...

Rest in Peace

Good Morning. I have never been afraid of cemeteries. I recall being taken to these places of beauty and tranquility when I was quite...

Twigs and Mud

Good Morning. I spent the first fourteen years of my life in a house where nothing was new and nothing matched. The walls in the living...

Never Better

Good Morning. The first thing about the trip to Pierre for the wedding of my son is the traffic. We're not talking bumper to bumper metro...

Pierre Review

Good Morning. I am headed today to my younger son's wedding. He has been a single dad for many years and has raised a daughter who is now...

Wednesdays: For Pete's Sake

Good Morning. We begin the evening with a beverage that was popular many years ago in the United States and still pops up from time to...

The Games People Play

Good Morning. Last week my daughter and I cleaned out the guest room closet of at least twenty board games. Some had missing parts and...

The Golden Girl

Good Morning. I took my dog to the vet last week to get her shots and annual heartworm test. Her name is Schooner, and the vet's...

Wednesdays: Healthy, Sort Of

Good Morning. A balanced meal should include a serving of fruit, according to the mothers of the world, and I suggest a PEACH DAIQUIRI....

Mars, Venus, or Maybe Not

Good Morning. I am going through fifty years of stuff in my house so I can move to a place half the size. This is a good thing but...

Lines of Design

Good Morning. Getting ready to leave the house is a reality check for me. For openers I have to deal with my hair. A year ago, I wore it...

Wednesdays: Let Them Eat Cake

Good Morning. Since the entree is a bit more time consuming, we offer a quick APRICOT CREAM CHEESE SPREAD to begin the evening. 1 8 oz....

Mum's the Word

Good Morning. Please do not give your mother a new steam iron or a set of jumper cables this weekend. Mother's Day should not be a...

Street Talk

Good Morning. A bedspread is not a toaster, and a bar of soap will not heat the house but a furnace will. Similarly, an adjective is not...

Cinco de Mayo

Good Morning. The following Cinco de Mayo recipes are easy. To forget that they are but a reasonable facsimile of the dishes that take...

On the Move

Good Morning. At some point, one neither desired nor enjoyed, every older person has to acknowledge that it's time to move out of his or...


Good morning. The most ridiculous piece of junk mail I ever received was an advertisement for a senior citizen dating service. This...

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