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It's Called Dignity.

Good morning. What is always so compelling at the funerals of high-ranking people, particularly those at the National Cathedral, is the...

Naps Are Good

Good Morning. I didn't sleep well last night for some reason. I didn't have any caffeine, not all day long, and I didn't eat a heavy meal...

The Politics of Food

Good Morning. I started thinking about doing a blog about eggs in the middle of the night. This was after I woke up from a dream where I...

You Can't Make This Up

Good Morning. The death of John McCain was expected, of course, but that didn't lessen its impact. We also learned that the American...

Ruthie and Friends

Good Morning on a Saturday. Senator John McCain has decided to stop his treatment for brain cancer. My stepmother succumbed to the same...

None Better

Good morning. I watched an amazing woman named Liz Murphy on CBS Thursday morning. She was being interviewed because the pope is...

Again and Again and Again

Good Morning. Note: My email service was down from Friday until this morning. The subject matter of this blog, unfortunately, seems to...

And I Shall Wear a Caftan

Good Morning. One of the best parties I ever had was a breakfast at nine o'clock in the morning. It was a baby shower and I can't...

The Beat Goes On

Good Morning. Last week Laura Ingraham of Fox News declared on national television that it's understandable a lot of people are upset...

The Old Barn Speaks

Good Morning. When I was having lunch with my granddaughter visiting from Chicago, I made the comment that if I built a house, the inside...

A Tavola Non Si Invecchia *

Good Morning. My granddaughter and I had lunch at a great Italian restaurant yesterday. I had a linguine with onions, red and yellow...

Par for the Course

Good Morning. Some people make the comment that watching golf on television is like watching grass grow. They find it incredibly boring,...


Good Morning. My goal in life at the moment is to go two whole weeks without feeling an uncontrollable urge to comment on the behavior of...

It's All in the Wrist

Good Morning. The last time I heard that phrase was at a 40th birthday party where a guest was trying to teach people how to throw those...

Vroom, Vroom

Good Morning. The past few days have been cool enough to have all the windows open, and I'm not used to the noise that is finding its way...

The Downtown Snowbirds

Good morning. Because of my arthritis, my husband and I decided in the fall of 2007 to put the house on the market and move to a loft,...

My Phone Was in the Fridge

Good Morning. I am often kept awake at night wondering what on earth I will write about for the next blog, including the Wednesday food...

D'You Guys Have Any Ketchup?

Good Morning. When I was sixteen I was invited to Sunday dinner at the home of my late husband who was seventeen at the time. It was one...

Home Schooling

Good Morning. It appears that we've come down to two basic concepts about life in America. The first believes the United States was meant...

Guess Who's Not Coming to Dinner

Good Morning. So I did the blog on Monday about the president trooping around Europe with an unbuttoned suit coat because I'm so appalled...

Emily Post Is Not Amused

Good Morning. I'm not too pleased with the Queen at the moment. I know the presidential visit was downgraded from an official state event...

A Matter of Good Riddance

Good Morning. I've written about the earthshaking subject of garbage before, but it was in regard to watching the trucks collect the...

Inside and Out

Good Morning. Half of the following meal is done inside and can be made well ahead of time. The other half is done on the grill while you...

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