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Wise Beyond Years

Writer: betsineidbetsineid

Good Morning.

I find it inspiring that the survivors of the school shooting this past week are all over the media pleading with lawmakers to do something about the rampant, out-of-control gun culture in this country. These high school students are informed, intelligent, and articulate, while elected officials either hide under their desks or hem and haw about what might be done to get these weapons of mass killing off the streets. The kids are gutsy, passionate, and down-to-earth real, while the people who represent us are spineless and paranoid about protecting their political power, but protect the school children of America? Forget it. It's more important to let the gun dealers peddle anything they want to anyone they want. The NRA, quite simply, is more important than the PTA. Actually the NRA is more important in many quarters than the Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, Doctors Without Borders, or the American Cancer Society. Those organizations help people, a concept that seems to escape the consciousness of lawmakers and those who also continue to brush off the carnage that increasingly defines

this country.

And then we have the president who says the reason the FBI missed the red flags about the shooter was because they're all

preoccupied with the investigation into whether he and his buddies snuggled up to the Russians to get him elected. Think of it: every single FBI agent in the entire world is digging into the Russian thing. Not a one among their ranks is worrying about the latest terrorist threat, the drug cartels, child prostitution rings, and scams to rob people of their life's savings.

The guy's egomania is beyond comprehension. The highest office-holder in the country and the leader of the free world is a sexual predator, a serial adulterer, a consummate liar, and a bully who thinks he can take anything he wants, whatever the cost to his victims. He touches up his hair every few days and keeps a sun lamp at the ready in his bedroom to give him that bronze, beachy look when he has to be at the White House and away from his preferred resort location. His wife appears to be in serious emotional distress any time she is seen in public, but sorry, honey, you knew what he was when you married him. He referred to you as "my model" while he flaunted you and your considerable assets like another piece of prime real estate. And these two tied the knot to the strains of the Ave Maria? What's up with the clergy these days? What's up with the voters?

So here's the deal. It won't matter two shakes of a lamb's tail if Robert Mueller gets the goods on this guy, even with proof positive that he was sharing half a dozen women with Putin and promised to build a golf course on the outskirts of Moscow with money he stole from the CHIP program. There isn't any limit to what kind of tawdry and unscrupulous behavior will be overlooked by his base, and Congress won't even pass a resolution to scold him and send him to his room without a cheeseburger, let alone get him out the door and restore a measure of sanity to the presidency and maybe the reputation of America around the world.

Call your teenage kids and grandkids and tell them we need them to run the country.

Best regards,


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