Good Morning.
Last Friday I posted a quiz. I was attempting to illustrate the difference between what should be the mindset of regular, decent folks and that of the current occupant of the Oval Office. I thought the quiz was pretty straightforward and that nobody would have any problem selecting a or b. Apparently I was wrong, One recipient told me the choices were difficult. Another said that a lot of people were on a very different wave length than she was. A third thought the quiz was gutsy, read, please just give me a recipe for rack of lamb and shut up. Not likely, and therefore I feel compelled to reveal the correct answers.

Question 1 dealt with bullying, a huge problem in the schools and beyond. Bullying is a terrible thing. It can make a child or anyone else feel utterly wretched with long-term consequences. The correct answer is a. You do something when someone is being bullied and what you do about the president I have no idea. Actually I do but I haven't had my coffee yet.
Question 2 was about the sexual exploitation of women. When the Access Hollywood video was made public, that should have ended the candidacy of the man who meowed. There were several other qualified candidates available for the nomination, but no, the trash on the tape was brushed aside by all kinds of people, even women. And now we have this other guy in Hollywood and everyone is thinking, once again, oh well, boys will be boys. The thing is, boys are supposed to grow up at some point and pick the correct answer which is b.
Question 3 concerned a free press guaranteed by the First Amendment. Legitimate news outlets verify information with at least two credible sources, usually three. Being in politics involves dealing with the press like a mature adult, not a whining child. The correct answer is a, a free press is a good thing even though it can be annoying because the truth is often inconvenient.
Question 4 was about antagonism and petulance versus civility and maturity. The nuclear codes should not be anywhere near a person who likes to create hostility and chaos or someone who pouts when he doesn't get his way. The correct answer is a.
Question 5 was about lying. Politicians are well known for fudging around but are aware they're doing it and do it anyway, the dears. The president either consciously or unconsciously manipulates the facts but either is a very big deal. The correct answer is a.
Question 6 was about arrogance and indifference. In contrast, dignity implies a certain self-respect and a respect for others, and compassion is about treating people, particularly those who are suffering, with kindness. This means, for instance, that you do not make fun of a handicapped reporter. The correct answer is b.
Question 7 was about games. Normal, well-adjusted people enjoy games where a batter knocks one out of the park or a golfer
gets a hole in one. Normal, well-adjusted people do not pit an individual against another individual for amusement. The answer is a.
Question 8 addressed the quality of empathy. Some people define evil as the absence of empathy, i.e. the treatment of
human beings as valueless and dispensable. Such soullessness is usually connected to forms of government like dictatorships, and the last time I checked, that wasn't what the founders had in mind. The answer is a.

Question 9 was about teachers versus tycoons. A teacher encourages the human brain to do good stuff. A tycoon worries about making gobs of money, often without a thought about
who gets harmed in the process. The old story about the money changers just popped into my head and the guy who threw them out of the temple was a teacher. I'd select a to be on the safe side.
Question 10 involved profanity. Most Americans cuss, but until fairly recently, they did it in private and nobody ever did it
in a political speech. It is not the mark of a leader. It indicates a lack of respect for the citizenry and probably a serious linguistic deficiency. The answer is b.
Question 11 was about the value of people versus money. No contest, letter a wins.
Question 12 was about God, head artist in residence. God likes color and variety. He did not have a blue or a cubistic period like Picasso. Every person he turns out has unique value and perspective. Bigotry is telling God he's a lousy artist and how dumb is that. The answer is a.

Question 13 involved the name calling again. Send a case of Zest or Ivory to the White House for Christmas. The answer is a.
Question 14 was about friendships. The allies of the United States think we surrendered our sanity last November and have
no idea what they can count on going forward. The United Nations is not a worthless organization as the president declared. It tries to make humanity behave in a respectful manner, imagine such a thing. The answer is a.
Question 15 was about whether children are affected by what they see and hear. As innocent and vulnerable people, they are influenced to a phenomenal degree, but so, apparently, are plenty of others. The answer is an amended a: everyone needs decent role models.
Best regards,
