Good Morning.
I was determined to watch the hearings of the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday, the stuff that was available to the public. I made a pot of coffee and brought a mug and a blueberry muffin, warmed up in the microwave, into the living room. I could make a quick grilled cheese
sandwich or throw together a salad during the lunch break and otherwise watch the hearings all day.

I sat down in my comfy chair, wrapped up in a blankie, and took a sip from my ceramic mug with a Tanglewood logo on it. Tanglewood is the summer home of the Boston Symphony Orchestra and my favorite place on earth other than a couple of locations at the shore where the whitecaps work their magic. The sound is even better than the look although the look is spectacular. The sound is better than the look at Tanglewood too, of course, but the look is also wonderful with an expanse of lawn where concertgoers munch on cheese and crackers and drink a little wine. Some people set up a table with a cloth, a candleabra, and enjoy seriously haute cuisine, but most just throw down a plaid something from L.L. Bean and do sandwiches and snack type stuff.
I tried to watch the hearings, honestly I did. Within an hour or so, my son called from Chicago and wanted to know what was going on, and by that time my second cup of coffee was gone, the muffin was gone, and my ability to listen to the hearings was gone.
I've always been a political junkie. When Eisenhower was inaugurated in 1952, my mother kept me home from school so I could watch the ceremony. I've watched every single inauguration since except the last one. Couldn't do it, folks, just couldn't do it. And I couldn't do those
hearings on Wednesday with elected officials who are supposed to have at least a modicum of dignity behaving like the bunch in Lord of the Flies. The nastiness of the partisanship and the sordidness of the details were too much for me and by eleven o'clock I was done. I told myself
that I'd catch the news that night and find out what happened, but when I watched the news,
even the clips upset me.
It really has gotten unacceptable and you have to find ways to off set the awfulness. For some it's a hobby like playing golf if you live where the sun still shines once in awhile or shoveling snow in my neck of the woods. For others it's reading a good book, watching a movie, or having lunch
with a friend. My relief came yesterday afternoon when my granddaughter came by to help me
run some errands. As she drove, I gazed at her profile that happens to be stunning. This girl does not look like me. She has perfect skin, almost iridescent blue eyes, and very, very blonde hair that is slightly wavy and totally natural. She is warm and funny and immediately told me that
she'd been delayed because the dog had mistaken the couch for the back yard and her father
had sat on the couch and there had been some remarks about the incident that are best left unprinted here but she and her mother had thought the whole thing was hilarious. She'd also been to a meeting with the track coach and is going out for track if it ever stops snowing. This will be her first year with this particular sport; she's a soccer super star and has done a lot of softball.
I like it when people try new things. I think I'll vacuum today for a change and then curl up with
my coffee and start a new book. I'm thinking Winnie the Pooh or something that makes me smile.

Best regards,