Good Morning.
Herewith a snap quiz after another troubling week:
1. If my child were bullied at school I would:
a. Go to the principal and demand immediate action.
b. Ignore the abuse and let the kid suffer.

2. Women should be:
a. Exploited as sex objects.
b. Respected for their abilities and intelligence.
3. A free press:
a. Is part of a healthy democracy.
b. Is a bunch of liars who make stuff up.
4. I prefer to hang out with people who are:
a. Civil and mature.
b. Antagonistic and petulant.
5. Lying:
a. Has serious consequences.
b. Is no big deal.
6. Leadership involves:
a. Arrogance and indifference.
b. Dignity and compassion.
7. I enjoy watching someone:
a. Get a home run or a hole in one.
c. Pit human beings against each other.
8. Empathy is:
a. The ability to identify with another person's feelings.
b. Never heard of it.
9. I would rather my son or daughter be:
a. A teacher.
b. A tycoon.
10. The use of profanity:
a. Is part of being a strong public speaker.
b. Is embarrassing.
11. Given the choice I would surround myself:
a. With interesting people.
b. With piles of money.
12. God:
a. Created everyone.
b. Created some people but not others.
13. Calling people names:
a. Used to involve an oral cleansing with a bar of soap.
b. Doesn't matter anymore.
14. Friendships:
a. Should be protected.
b. Can be tossed aside for convenience.

15. Kids:
a. Need decent role models.
b. Aren't affected by what they hear and see.
Best regards,